歌川国芳「讃岐院眷属をして為朝をすくふ図」-鰐鮫 嘉永3年~嘉永5年【浮世絵】
【作家】 歌川国芳 UtagawaKuniyoshi
【状態】 刷良・補修あり・薄い裏打ち・スレ・汚れ
【サイズ】 約mm×mm
殆どトリミングされていない鰐鮫です。状態は万全とは言えませんが、刷りも良好でこの絵の主要な鰐鮫の顔の部分の刷りはとても良いです。 また、タイトル部分までトリミングされているものが多い中、こちらの商品はタイトル部分がしっかり残る希少な品となります。 実店舗にて見ることもできます。また価格はお気軽にご連絡ください。 【artist】Utagawa Kuniyoshi 【title】Retired Emperor Sanuki Sends Allies to Rescue Tametomo 【date】Edo,1852 【style】woodblock print 【condition】good print, restored, stain, scratch 【story】 This is one of the extravagantly heroic compositions produced by Kuniyoshi. It is based on the novel by Kyokutei Bakin (1767-1848) 'Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki' and Hokusai's illustrations to it. Fleeing by sea from defeat in the Heiji Wars, Tametomo's party are overcome by a storm. His wife, Shiranui princess, throws herself into the sea to placate the waves, while a loyal retainer, Kihei, saves their child by climbing on to the back of a huge shark. Tametomo is stopped from killing himself by the spirits of mythical creatures called 'tengu', followers of the dead Emperor Sutoku. This work is very gorgeous using the wonderful technique of ukiyo-e. In addition the color and expression of the waves are also wonderful, and it has appeal comparable to Hokusai!! Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.
殆どトリミングされていない鰐鮫です。状態は万全とは言えませんが、刷りも良好でこの絵の主要な鰐鮫の顔の部分の刷りはとても良いです。 また、タイトル部分までトリミングされているものが多い中、こちらの商品はタイトル部分がしっかり残る希少な品となります。 実店舗にて見ることもできます。また価格はお気軽にご連絡ください。 【artist】Utagawa Kuniyoshi 【title】Retired Emperor Sanuki Sends Allies to Rescue Tametomo 【date】Edo,1852 【style】woodblock print 【condition】good print, restored, stain, scratch 【story】 This is one of the extravagantly heroic compositions produced by Kuniyoshi. It is based on the novel by Kyokutei Bakin (1767-1848) 'Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki' and Hokusai's illustrations to it. Fleeing by sea from defeat in the Heiji Wars, Tametomo's party are overcome by a storm. His wife, Shiranui princess, throws herself into the sea to placate the waves, while a loyal retainer, Kihei, saves their child by climbing on to the back of a huge shark. Tametomo is stopped from killing himself by the spirits of mythical creatures called 'tengu', followers of the dead Emperor Sutoku. This work is very gorgeous using the wonderful technique of ukiyo-e. In addition the color and expression of the waves are also wonderful, and it has appeal comparable to Hokusai!! Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.